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The Secret History part 83

As a day’s journey for an active man, they decided on eight stages in some places, in others less, but hardly ever less than...

The Secret History part 82

Now some bore their sufferings in silence; but those of the inhabitants of Tarsus who were Blues, trusting in the favor of the Empress,...

The Secret History part 81

Another thing that happened at this time I must also not fail to tell. One Anatolius was foremost in the Senate of Ascalon. His...

The Secret History part 80

29. Other incidents revealing him as a liar and a hypocriteI will now show what a liar and hypocrite he was. This Liberius, whom...

The Secret History part 79

But since there was a statute of limitations barring action after thirty years, except in mortgages and certain other matters, where the limit was...

The Secret History part 78

Here is another similar case. There was a certain Faustin, born in Palestine, and of an old Samaritan family, who accepted a nominal Christianity...

The Secret History part 77

As -soon as they arrived in Alexandria, Paul handed over a deacon by the name of Psoes to Rhoden to be put to death,...

The Secret History part 76

27. How the defender of the faith protected the interests of the ChristiansThe deeds of Justinian were such that all eternity would not be...

The Secret History part 75

But this Alexander, when he arrived there, claimed it was to the advantage of the Peloponnesians not to allow this pass to be kept...

The Secret History part 74

One of the municipal aqueducts, which furnished not a small share of the city water, collapsed; but the rulers disregarded the matter and refused...

Beylerbey Palace