The Secret History part 53
For Libya, vast as it is, he so devastated that you would have to go a long way to find a single man, and...
The Secret History part 52
Saturninus, lying down finally to pleasant dreams with his new bride, discovered she was already unmaidened; and later told one of his friends that...
The Secret History part 51
And in what manner the poor lad was removed from the world, I cannot say, for no one has ever seen him since, not...
The Secret History part 50
Fearing this repulsive fate, the sisters fled to the Church of St. Sophia, and running to the holy water, clung tightly to the font....
The Secret History part 49
So the Empress locked up Theodorus, one of Diogenes’s friends, in one of her private dungeons; and there first with flattery, then with flogging,...
The Secret History part 48
No other tyrant since mankind began ever inspired such fear, since not a word could be spoken against her without her hearing of it:...
The Secret History part 47
So she forthwith persuaded Justinian to send Peter, alone, to Italy as ambassador to Theodatus. When he set out the Emperor gave him the...
The Secret History part 46
“Highness, it is hard for a patrician to ask for money. For what in other men brings sympathy and pity, in one of my...
The Secret History part 45
But to the Queen’s presence even the highest officials could not enter without great delay and trouble; like slaves they had to wait all...
The Secret History part 44
And even buying Leo’s support gave no certainty, for Justinian was quite willing to take money from both sides: he felt no guilt at...