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The Secret History part 31

So Justinian and Theodora ascended the imperial throne three days before Easter, a time, indeed, when even making visits or greeting one’s friends is...

The Secret History part 30

Justinian, unexpectedly restored to health, straightway undertook to put Theodotus to death as a poisoner and a magician. But since he had no proof...

The Secret History part 29

Later, she followed Hecebolus, a Tyrian who had been made governor of Pentapolis, serving him in the basest of ways; but finally she quarreled...

The Secret History part 28

On the field of pleasure she was never defeated. Often she would go picnicking with ten young men or more, in the flower of...

The Secret History part 27

When this woman saw the populace assembled in the amphitheater, she placed laurel wreaths on her daughters’ heads and in their hands, and sent...

The Secret History part 26

How could anyone put Justinian’s ways into words? These and many even worse vices were disclosed in him as in no other mortal nature...

The Secret History part 25

Domitian’s wife was of free birth and otherwise noble; and neither had she herself ever done wrong to anybody, nor had she assented in...

The Secret History part 24

As soon as he took over the rule from his uncle, his measure was to spend the public money without restraint, now that he...

The Secret History part 23

For a judge who disregarded its instruction was sentencing himself to death. And many creditors were forced to receipt the bills they had sent...

The Secret History part 22

Some of the opposite party joined this faction so as to get even with the people of their original side who had ill-treated them;...

Beylerbey Palace