Perils of the body were scarcely less threatening
The other perils of the body were scarcely less threatening. Disease could take even the strong in a matter of hours or days. Yet...
Slightly less elegant and also less expensive
Slightly less elegant and also less expensive was the Spanish fish sauce called garum, made by steeping fish eggs and entrails in brine. Garum...
In some future age, people will say history began with the twentieth century, for it will be the earliest period from which they’ll have...
When Sopatros the Roman
Cosmas tells a story from that end of the world going back to his own early days, around 515 CE, when Sopatros the Roman,...
Merchants like Cosmas also knew
Merchants like Cosmas also knew their way around land, since by definition the commodities that shipped best were also easy to carry ashore and...
Neither Cosmas nor his contemporaries
Neither Cosmas nor his contemporaries would have spoken of the Roman empire as a free-trade zone, or praised the blessings of a single currency...
The Conpiracy of Aston part 33
They are these:-the city of Antioch in Coele-Syria with its fortifications and its dependency together with Suetium situated on the sea-coast; Dux with all...
The Secret History part 84
The State had also always kept a large number of camels, which carried all the baggage when the Roman army marched against the foe....
The Secret History part 83
As a day’s journey for an active man, they decided on eight stages in some places, in others less, but hardly ever less than...
The Secret History part 82
Now some bore their sufferings in silence; but those of the inhabitants of Tarsus who were Blues, trusting in the favor of the Empress,...