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The Secret History part 43

Under this reign of violence nothing was stable, but the balance of justice revolved in a circle, inclining to whichever side was able to...

The Secret History part 42

For his constant wakefulness, his privations and his labors were undergone for no other reason than to contrive each day ever more exaggerated calamities...

The Secret History part 41

For if there were an ever infamous, he had no scruple against making a law and then repudiating it. Nor were his decisions made...

The Secret History part 40

Furthermore he committed an inconceivable number of murders for the same cause: for in his zeal to gather all men into one Christian doctrine,...

The Secret History part 39

Furthermore some of Theodora’s lovers, while she was on the stage, say that at night a demon would sometimes descend upon them and drive...

The Secret History part 38

And they say his mother said to some of her intimates once that not of Sabbatius her husband, nor of any man was Justinian...

The Secret History part 37

For Chosroes refused to let this John go, charging that the Romans had disregarded the terms of the truce, as a pledge of which...

The Secret History part 36

The Emperor’s malice was also directed against the astrologer. Accordingly, magistrates appointed to punish thieves also abused the astrologers, for no other reason than...

The Secret History part 35

A similar law w as then passed against the Samaritans, which threw Palestine into an indescribable turmoil.Those, indeed, who lived in my own Caesarea...

The Secret History part 34

These misfortunes, and those that were caused by the Medes, Saracens, Slavs, Antes, and the rest of the barbarians, I described in my previous...

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