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Haghia Sophia, built on a hill in the centre of Old Byzantine, has a perfect appearance from the sea.

Emperor Justinianus demanded a new church to be built in a short time after the one before Haghia Sophia had collapsed in 532. After the construction had been planned and ready to begin, Justinuanus appointed the mathematician Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, who was a static expert and an architect.

Haghia Sophia became the most powerful and respected church of Christianity over 1,000 years. It was considered to symbolize the composition of the imperial thought peculiar to Rome and the understanding of God in Christianity. When the construction of the church completed in a short time, in six years (532-537),

Justinuanus shouted

“Solomon, now I am superior to you” Justinuanus shouted against the appearance of the church.

The breathtaking fact is the brilliant unity in the interior classification of Haghia Sophia the visitors, as well as the splendid design with marble panels and mosaic ornaments; so that the church is called “The Eighth Wonder of the World.” It is almost impossible to have an idea about the size and proportions of the building when you pass through the “Emperor’s Gate” that gives a sight area up to the dome in terms of width and height.

This extraordinary situation that the builders intended to realize stems from the structure of the place, the feeling that the dome is “as if hanging down the sky” and the light that is coming in directly or indirectly. Considering the conditions when it was built, there is no doubt that Haghia Sophia was the bravest construction that had ever been built since then.

Evil’s Face

I lie marbles are arranged in such a way that, the veins turn into ornaments some people interpret as “The Evil’s Face” or similar meanings.

The column vaults of the side areas are not the same with the ones in the gallery around it, saving the area from the pressure of all types of weight. Such as the pair of columns in each comer of the main area made of red porphyry; these columns made of greenish marble and were brought Ephesus and Baalbek city of Lebanon are ornamented with Byzantine capitals that are composed of a rich knitting decorations.

Haghia Sophia

Haghia Sophia, built on a hill in the centre of Old Byzantine, has a perfect appearance from the sea.Emperor Justinianus demanded a new church...

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